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Good Morning Blogmates,

I am sure that if you watch the news then you have more than likely heard about these two stories. The first one being the "Road Rage" incident that ended with the death of a woman who when first reported was only out teaching her daughter how to drive. The second and most recent story is about the militia group holding up in Oregon, claiming rights to federal property while creating havoc in that town.

Each of these situations involve guns and both caused the deaths of two individuals who in both incidents felt like they had the right to bear arms. Now before folks start reciting the second amendment, please note that I am all for the right to protect yourself, however my question would be where do we draw the line?? When do we come to realize that the violence in this country is promoted by the usage of guns.

A mother teaching her child to drive should not end up with the result of her death, however when you get into an altercation with others and you go to get your son who is yielding a weapon, you then take the chance that the other person in the fight might have a weapon as well, it then becomes and issue of who is the better shot.

When you are a part of a group that holds up in a building and clearly state that you will not be leaving without a fight and you make motions that can be considered to be a threat to the police or federal officials you then take the chance of becoming a statistic. This all due to the belief that we have the right to bear arms.

The right to prot

ect ourselves makes good sense, however, in my opinion our country has become so lacked in the common sense area when it comes to using judgement when execerising this right. in a country where a certian group of people end up dead when they are unarmed, do we really think it is a good idea to just flaunt a weapon just to make a point?? I am not going to break this down as a black or white issue because clearly neither of these cases involved people of color. No, this is an issue that needs to be questioned regardless of race,we really need to understand where to draw the line when it comes to the right to bear arms.

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